ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
ImGearARTPolygon Constructor(ImGearPoint[],IImGearRGBQuad,IImGearRGBQuad,ImGearARTPenStyle,Int32,Int32)

ImageGear.Art Assembly > ImageGear.ART Namespace > ImGearARTPolygon Class > ImGearARTPolygon Constructor : ImGearARTPolygon Constructor(ImGearPoint[],IImGearRGBQuad,IImGearRGBQuad,ImGearARTPenStyle,Int32,Int32)
The mark's points.
Fill color of the mark.
The border color of the mark.
The border style of the mark.
The border width of the mark.
Opacity of the mark.
Initializes a new instance of the ImGearARTPolygon class object.
Public Function New( _
   ByVal points() As ImGearPoint, _
   ByVal fillColor As IImGearRGBQuad, _
   ByVal borderColor As IImGearRGBQuad, _
   ByVal borderStyle As ImGearARTPenStyle, _
   ByVal borderWidth As Integer, _
   ByVal opacity As Integer _
Dim points() As ImGearPoint
Dim fillColor As IImGearRGBQuad
Dim borderColor As IImGearRGBQuad
Dim borderStyle As ImGearARTPenStyle
Dim borderWidth As Integer
Dim opacity As Integer
Dim instance As New ImGearARTPolygon(points, fillColor, borderColor, borderStyle, borderWidth, opacity)
public ImGearARTPolygon( 
   ImGearPoint[] points,
   IImGearRGBQuad fillColor,
   IImGearRGBQuad borderColor,
   ImGearARTPenStyle borderStyle,
   int borderWidth,
   int opacity
public: ImGearARTPolygon( 
   ImGearPoint[]* points,
   IImGearRGBQuad* fillColor,
   IImGearRGBQuad* borderColor,
   ImGearARTPenStyle borderStyle,
   int borderWidth,
   int opacity


The mark's points.
Fill color of the mark.
The border color of the mark.
The border style of the mark.
The border width of the mark.
Opacity of the mark.
See Also


ImGearARTPolygon Class
ImGearARTPolygon Members
Overload List
ImGearPoint Structure
ImGearRGBQuad Structure
ImGearARTPenStyle Enumeration

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