ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
Overview > Concepts > Namespaces

ImageGear PDF functionality is divided into namespaces. This provides flexibility in packaging and licensing ImageGear technology. Each namespace encapsulates a particular functionality of the product. All namespaces are enabled when you evaluate or purchase the product (there is an expiration date for the evaluation version). However, different licensing fees may be associated with different namespaces for deployment of your application. Please contact your Accusoft Corporation sales representative for more information about deployment licensing fees.

You will need to initialize a namespace (except for the Core namespace) before using it. See the Samples for a demonstration of initializing the namespaces. The sample code has been provided so that you can cut and paste the initializing namespace code into your own application.

ImageGear PDF provides NuGet Packages to simplify the packaging process. NuGet packages make it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in Visual Studio projects that use the .NET Framework. If you prefer to handle this manually, refer to Assembly Dependencies for information on assemblies and their dependencies.

Please see Licensing and Distributing for information about ImageGear PDF and the namespace licensing process.

This section summarizes the ImageGear PDF namespaces that are currently available. For more information on these namespaces, refer to the How to Work with... and ImageGear.Core Namespace chapters.

The ImageGear PDF documentation provides information for all platforms and .NET framework versions. However, not all features are available for all ImageGear PDF. The following table describes which ImageGear PDF Namespaces are available.



Associated Assemblies


The foundation for all other namespaces, ImageGear.Core contains shared classes used in other namespaces such as ImGearPage Class and ImGearDocument Class, and global attributes such as error handling classes and licensing.


Lets you annotate any image that your application loads into ImageGear. The annotations are called "ART marks", or "marks" for short.  Mark objects are created by using their constructors, but their actual life starts when they are added into the ImGearARTPage Class. An ART page can be associated with one or more ImGearPage Class objects. The association is done by using ImGearPageDisplay Class properties: Page and ARTPage. ART internally tracks the marks that are associated with the image and ensures that marks are always displayed on the correct part of the image (even as the image is scrolled, rotated, flipped, and zoomed). Your application can save an image with marks into a separate file in legacy .ART file format or .XML file format. Any time the image is reloaded, the ART marks can be reloaded with a simple method call.


Lets you add redlining and annotation capabilities to any application built with ImageGear. It provides ART GUI functionality that can simplify development of ImageGear based applications.   


Provides WPF Annotation controls and UI.   


Provides access to ImageGear display API and contains shared classes and structures used for image drawing.


Provides the evaluation manager used for product evaluation either in trial mode (default) or watermarks mode.


Provides image loading/saving operations for all other ImageGear namespaces.


Provides the API for operating with EXIF non-image data.


Provides enumeration values for JPEG format filter control parameters.


Allows you to load, save, and process PDF (Portable Document Format) files using ImageGear.Core and other ImageGear namespace functionality. This namespace also allows you to read vector data from PS (PostScript) file formats (the ImageGear.Core namespace allows you to read only raster data from these two formats). In addition, you can extract text from loaded PDF and PS image files.


Provides public API for TIFF format metadata operations and for TIFF filter control parameters.


Provides the capability to resize, rotate, adjust brightness and contrast, reduce or promote bit depth, and perform many other image processing operations.


Provides API for creating and editing image layers. It includes ImGearLayeredPage Class, which contains a raster composition image and an array of layers.  

ImageGear.Vector Provides native support for vector data as used by CAD/vector formats . When you load any of these formats, the resulting ImGearPage object is not automatically rasterized at load time. The data is kept in vector form for display and processing. It's possible to display the vector data from different viewpoints and edit individual vector entities. The vector data can also be rasterized, converting it to a bitmap form.

Provides WPF PageView, Annotation, UI and other common controls to simplify development of XAML based applications.


Provides common GUI functionality that can simplify development of Windows Forms based applications.


Provides the GUI Thumbnail control API. 


Provides UI controls for use with the Windows Presentation Foundation framework. 


Provides BitmapSource conversion API.

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