ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
PageView Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

ImageGear.Windows.Controls Assembly > ImageGear.Windows.Controls Namespace : PageView Class

The following tables list the members exposed by PageView.

Public Constructors
Public Constructor Initializes a new instance of the PageView class.  
Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Represents AnnotationMode dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) DependencyProperty for CreateNewPageDisplayForImage.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Represents CustomMarkController dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) DependencyProperty for DefaultPageNumber.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Represents Display dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) DependencyProperty for DragDropOpen.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) This property has been deprecated. Dependency property for IsHandPanEnabled.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Dependency property for IsMouseWheelScrollEnabled.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Represents MouseTool dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Represents MouseToolSettings dependency property.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) DependencyProperty for OpenAnnotations.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) DependencyProperty for OpenDocument.  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) DependencyProperty for OpenImages.  
Public Properties
Public Property Gets or sets the annotation mode.  
Public Property Gets or sets the engine for annotation scaling, as well as scale settings that are specific to this engine.  
Public Property Gets canvas element used to contain image and other elements of the view.  
Public Property Gets the rectangle ImageGear display code should use as the client area rectangle.  
Public Property Gets the mark that corresponds to the context menu.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to create a new Display object for images.  
Public Property Gets or sets the custom mark controller to use when the MouseTool property is set to CreateCustomMark.  
Public PropertyGets or sets page number in the file to be opened.  
Public Property Gets or sets the ImGearPageDisplay Class object associated with the control, representing the image and display parameters.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether hand drag and drop file opening is enabled or not.  
Public Property Gets the horizontal ScrollBar large change increment settings.  
Public Property Gets the horizontal ScrollBar small change increment settings.  
Public Property Gets or sets the engine for image scaling, as well as scale settings that are specific to this engine.  
Public Property Gets or sets an ART mark to display immediately while creating an ART mark using the mouse.  
Public Property This property has been deprecated. Gets or sets a value indicating whether hand panning is enabled or not. When true, clicking and dragging on the image will pan the image.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether MouseWheel scrolling is enabled. If true, scrolling the mouse wheel over the control results in vertical scrolling.  
Public Property Gets a command for bringing a mark to the front of the Z-order.  
Public Property Gets a command for copying a mark.  
Public Property Gets a command for cutting a mark.  
Public Property Gets a command for deleting a mark.  
Public Property Gets a command for pasting a mark.  
Public Property Gets a command for sending a mark to the back of the Z-order.  
Public Property Gets or sets the mouse tool.  
Public Property Gets or sets an object that provides access to mouse tool settings.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether annotations will be opened.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to open an ImageGear.Core.ImGearDocument for images.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether images will be opened.  
Public Property Gets or sets the ImGearPage Class associated with the control - automatically mapped to the Page property of the associated ImGearPageDisplay Class object.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting antialias.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting the fit mode.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting ImageGear scaling.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark Closed.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark end head type.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark end length.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark image fit mode.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark orientation.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark pin alignment.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark precision.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark start head type.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark start length.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark style or border style.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark text border shading.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting mark thickness or border thickness.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting resampling.  
Public Property Gets a command for setting WPF scaling.  
Public Property Gets a command for showing a properties window for a mark.  
Public Property Gets or sets whether the control updates automatically when the display settings or annotations change.  
Public Property Gets the vertical ScrollBar large change increment settings.  
Public Property Gets the vertical ScrollBar small change increment settings.  
Public Property Gets a command for zooming.  
Public Methods
Public Method Returns whether or not the annotation assembly (ImageGear.Windows.Controls.Art.dll) is available.  
Public Method Change enable state of scrollbars associated with window.  
Public Method This method returns width and height dimensions of the windows scroll bar.  
Public Method This method obtains the attributes of the scrollbar specified.  
Public Method This method returns whether or not the specified scrollbar is enabled.  
Public Method This method returns visibility state of the scrollbar specified.  
Public MethodOverridden.  Invoked whenever application code or internal processes call ApplyTemplate.  
Public Method This method updates the state of specified scrollbar with new values.  
Public Method Displays a dialog window that shows the properties of the specified mark and can be used to modify the properties.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Change visibility state of scrollbars associated with window.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Causes a redraw of the display. Required anytime the underlying Display or Page object has changed.  
Public Method Causes a redraw of the annotations. Can be used instead of Update anytime only the annotations have been updated.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOverridden.  Fires when the context menu is closing.  
Protected MethodOverridden.  Fires when the context menu is opening.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark is added.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark is changed.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark is removed.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark's selection is changed.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark's Z-Order is changed.  
Protected MethodOverridden.  Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Mouse.MouseDown attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.  
Protected MethodOverridden.  Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Mouse.MouseMove attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.  
Protected MethodOverridden.  Invoked when an unhandled System.Windows.Input.Mouse.MouseUp routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.  
Protected Method Occurs when a page is scrolled.  
Protected Method Occurs when a page is zoomed.  
Protected Method Occurs when a requery is suggested.  
Protected Method Occurs when a page is scrolled or when the scrollbar visible or enabled state changes.  
Public Events
Public Event Event triggered after a file has been opened by the PageView control.  
Public Event Event triggered before a file is opened by the PageView control.  
Public Event Occurs when a mark is added.  
Public Event Occurs when a mark is changed.  
Public Event Occurs when a mark is added using the mouse.  
Public Event Occurs when a mark is removed.  
Public Event Occurs when a mark's selection is changed.  
Public Event Occurs when a mark's Z-Order is changed.  
Public Event Occurs when a pages is scrolled.  
Public Event Occurs when a page is zoomed.  
Public Event Occurs when the command manager detects conditions that might change the ability of a command to execute.  
Public Event Occurs when a page is scrolled or when the scrollbar visible or enabled state changes.  
Public Event Occurs after an update of the image has occurred.  
See Also


PageView Class
ImageGear.Windows.Controls Namespace

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