ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
ImGearOCRPage Class Properties

ImageGear.OCR Assembly > ImageGear.OCR Namespace : ImGearOCRPage Class

For a list of all members of this type, see ImGearOCRPage members.

Public Properties
Public Property Gets an array of the detected languages on the page.  
Public Property Gets access to image properties and processing methods.  
Public Property Gets reference to parent ImGearOCR class object.  
Public Property Returns a string representation of the text found on the page.  
Public Property Gets collection of recognition zones.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the character sequence used to join recognized text from different zones. For compatibility with previous versions, this set by default to " \r\n". Note that this string is not inserted into the output of the GetLetters method. When using that method, check the ImGearOCRLetter.ZoneIndex property to determine which zone the charater was found in instead.  
See Also


ImGearOCRPage Class
ImageGear.OCR Namespace

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