ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
Resolve Method

ImageGear.Formats.Pdf Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.PDF Namespace > ImGearPDFDestination Class : Resolve Method
The PDF document that contains the destination.
Resolves the destination.
Public Function Resolve( _
   ByVal document As ImGearPDFDocument _
) As ImGearPDFDestination
Dim instance As ImGearPDFDestination
Dim document As ImGearPDFDocument
Dim value As ImGearPDFDestination
value = instance.Resolve(document)


The PDF document that contains the destination.

Return Value

The resolved view destination.
The destination is a value of the D key in an action. It can be a real destination (an array) or a name. If it is a name, look it up in Document Dests dictionary. The value found there can be a real destination (an array) or a dictionary. If it's a dictionary, look up the D key in that dictionary. This method is useful for getting an explicit view destination from an action.
See Also


ImGearPDFDestination Class
ImGearPDFDestination Members
ImGearPDFDocument Class

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