ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
Get Method (ImGearPDFBasDict)

ImageGear.Formats.Pdf Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.PDF Namespace > ImGearPDFBasDict Class : Get Method
The key to get value of.
Gets the value of the specified key in the specified dictionary.
Public Function Get( _
   ByVal key As ImGearPDFAtom _
) As ImGearPDFBasObj
Dim instance As ImGearPDFBasDict
Dim key As ImGearPDFAtom
Dim value As ImGearPDFBasObj
value = instance.Get(key)
public ImGearPDFBasObj Get( 
   ImGearPDFAtom key
public: ImGearPDFBasObj* Get( 
   ImGearPDFAtom* key
ImGearPDFBasObj^ Get( 
   ImGearPDFAtom^ key


The key to get value of.

Return Value

ImGearPDFBasObj class object.
If called with a stream object instead of a dictionary object, this method gets the value of the specified key from the stream's attributes dictionary.
See Also


ImGearPDFBasDict Class
ImGearPDFBasDict Members
ImGearPDFBasObj Class
ImGearPDFAtom Class

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