ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
ImGearFileFilters Class Methods

ImageGear.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Formats Namespace : ImGearFileFilters Class

For a list of all members of this type, see ImGearFileFilters members.

Public Methods
Public Method Adds a new format to the end of the list of formats.  
Public Method Tells whether a particular format is in the list of formats.  
Public MethodCopies IImGearFormat entries to an Array of IImGearFormat elements, starting at a particular Array index.  
Public Method Gets a format in the list based on the format ID.  
Public Method Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection.  
Public Method Gets an index of a format in the list based on the format ID.  
Public Method Inserts a new format to the list of formats at the specified position.  
Public Method Inserts a new format to the list of formats after the specified format.  
Public Method Removes a format from the list based on the format ID.  
Public Method Removes a format from the list at the specified position.  
Public Method Sets a format replacing the old one with the same ID.  
See Also


ImGearFileFilters Class
ImageGear.Formats Namespace

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