ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
ImGearARTPage Class Methods

ImageGear.Art Assembly > ImageGear.ART Namespace : ImGearARTPage Class

For a list of all members of this type, see ImGearARTPage members.

Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Adds the specified mark into an annotation page group.  
Public Method Applies the encryption marks from the annotation page to the image.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Translates coordinates between image and device coordinate systems.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Copies specified marks to the Windows clipboard.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Cuts specified marks from the annotation page to the Windows clipboard.  
Public MethodFlips entire ART page around the center in vertical or horizontal direction.  
Public Method Gets the page enumerator class.  
Public Method Returns the index of topmost annotation mark of a hit test.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Moves the specified mark to the top of Z-Order.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Copies the specified mark to the Windows clipboard.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Cuts the mark from the annotation page to the Windows clipboard.  
Public Method Gets a mark by its ID.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Checks if the specified mark is selected.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Checks if the mark is valid.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Deletes the mark.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Selects or deselects the specified mark.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Moves the specified mark to the bottom of Z-Order.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Sets new type of the coordinates system for the specified mark.  
Public Method Pastes all marks from the Windows clipboard to the annotation page.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Deletes marks from the annotation page.  
Public MethodRotates entire ART page around the center.  
Public Method Scales the entire ART page in horizontal and vertical directions.  
Public Method Selects or deselects all marks in the annotation page.  
Public Method Sets new type of the coordinates system for the entire mark collection.  
Protected Methods
Protected Method Occurs when a mark is added.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark is changed.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark is removed.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark's selection is changed.  
Protected Method Occurs when a mark's Z-Order is changed.  
See Also


ImGearARTPage Class
ImageGear.ART Namespace

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