ImageGear PDF v25.2 - Updated
File Formats and Compressions
Developer Guide > File Formats and Compressions

This section provides detailed information about the image formats and compressions that ImageGear supports.

Supported Formats

The following formats are supported by ImageGear PDF:

Format Full Name
BMP Microsoft Windows Bitmap
CLP Windows Clipboard
CUR Windows Cursor
GIF CompuServe Graphic Interchange Format
ICO Windows Icon
JPEG JPEG File Interchange Format
PDF Adobe Portable Document Format
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PS Adobe PostScript
TIFF Tagged Image File Format

Supported Compressions

All supported formats use compression for storing data on a file. ImageGear PDF uses the following compressions:

Format Full Name Formats Supported
CCITT Group 3 Compression CCITT Group 3 PDF, PS, TIFF
CCITT Group 3 2D Compression CCITT Group 3 2D PDF, PS, TIFF
CCITT Group 4 Compression CCITT Group 4 PDF, PS, TIFF
Deflate Compression Deflate Compression PDF, PS, TIFF, PNG
Huffman Compression Huffman Encoding TIFF

JPEG Compressions

JPEG Compression

LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) Compression Lempel-Zif-Welch (LZW) Compression GIF, PDF, PS, TIFF
Packbits Compression Packed Bits Compression TIFF
RLE Compression  Run Length Encoding Compression BMP, CLP, PDF, PS

Encoding vs. Compressing

These two words are often used interchangeably in discussions of graphics file formats. Encoding is actually a broad term under which compression falls. For the sake of clarity, use these terms separately with the following intended meanings:


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