ImageGear PDF v25.1 - Updated
GetLookPoint Method

ImageGear.Formats.Vector Assembly > ImageGear.Vector Namespace > ImGearVectorView Class : GetLookPoint Method
Returns the point in 3D space that the view's camera is looking at. See corresponding method SetLookPoint for more information.
Public Function GetLookPoint() As ImGearVectorPoint3D
Dim instance As ImGearVectorView
Dim value As ImGearVectorPoint3D
value = instance.GetLookPoint()
public ImGearVectorPoint3D GetLookPoint()
public: ImGearVectorPoint3D GetLookPoint(); 
ImGearVectorPoint3D GetLookPoint(); 

Return Value

ImGearVectorPoint3D structure object.
See Also


ImGearVectorView Class
ImGearVectorView Members
ImGearVectorPoint3D Structure