ImageGear PDF v25.1 - Updated
ImGearVectorData Class Members
Properties  Methods 

ImageGear.Formats.Vector Assembly > ImageGear.Vector Namespace : ImGearVectorData Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearVectorData.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ImGearVectorData class.  
Public Properties
Public Property Gets or sets an index of the active view.  
Public Property Gets total count of fill types in the internal filltype container.  
Public Property Gets a total count of fonts in the internal container.  
Public Property Gets or sets the type of graphics used for displaying vector objects.  
Public Property Gets the total count of layers in the internal container.  
Public Property Gets total line type count in the internal line type container.  
Public Property Gets or sets the thickness that is used for displaying selected entities.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the transparency is enabled.  
Public Property Gets or sets measurement units used by the vector drawing.  
Public Property Gets or sets a units factor, that is, a multiplier of unit values.  
Public Property Gets total count of views in the drawing.  
Public Methods
Public Method Creates an entity of the specified type.  
Public Method Creates a font by typeface and weight.  
Public Method Creates new fill type with the gradient object specified by gradient name and type.  
Public Method Creates a new layer.  
Public Method Creates a new View and adds it to the end of the view container.  
Public Method Removes the specified View from the internal view container and destroys it.  
Public MethodOverloaded.  Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.  
Public Method Looks for an entity with the specified ID.  
Public Method Looks for the font with the specified typeface, weight and vector flag.  
Public Method Looks for a layer by name.  
Public Method Returns the type of graphics used for displaying vector objects.  
Public Method Returns the main content of the drawing. This is always a block.  
Public Method Returns an entity from the specified position in the internal container.  
Public Method Returns fill type by its position in the internal container.  
Public Method Returns an index of the fill type in the internal container by fill pattern.  
Public Method Returns a font by its position in the internal conatiner.  
Public Method Returns an index of the specified font in the internal font container.  
Public Method Returns index of the fill type associated with the specified gradient object.  
Public Method Returns an index of the hatch fill type by the hatch name.  
Public Method Returns a layer by its position in the internal container.  
Public Method Returns a line type by its position in the internal container.  
Public Method Returns the index of the line type in the internal container by the line pattern and pattern length.  
Public Method Looks for the entity that corresponds to the specified device coordinates.  
Public Method Returns the color that is used for displaying entities being selected.  
Public Method Returns a view from the specified index.  
Public Method Initializes vector content to an empty drawing, discarding any vector entities if they are present.  
Public Method Sets the color that is used for displaying selected entities.  
Protected Methods
Protected Method Finalizes an instance of the ImGearVectorData class.  
See Also


ImGearVectorData Class
ImageGear.Vector Namespace