ImageGear PDF v25.1 - Updated
Color Property (IImGearBackground)

ImageGear.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Display Namespace > IImGearBackground Interface : Color Property
Gets a background color of displayed image. Area on screen not covered by image is filled with this color.
ReadOnly Property Color As IImGearRGBQuad
Dim instance As IImGearBackground
Dim value As IImGearRGBQuad
value = instance.Color
IImGearRGBQuad Color {get;}
__property IImGearRGBQuad* get_Color();
property IImGearRGBQuad^ Color {
   IImGearRGBQuad^ get();

Property Value

ImageGear.Core.ImGearRGBQuad structure object interface.
See Also


IImGearBackground Interface
IImGearBackground Members
ImGearRGBQuad Structure