ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
Developer Guide / How to Work with... / CAD / How To ... / Manipulate View Using a Camera / Orbit
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    The orbit function in the CADCamera class allows users to move the camera on a plane by a given angle, while looking at and keeping the same distance from a set point.

    The following Orbit sample illustrates how you use the orbit function to rotate around horizontal and vertical axes:

    Copy Code
    using System.IO;
    using ImageGear.Formats;
    using ImageGear.Formats.CAD;
    public static void CameraOrbit(string path, double radX, double radY)
        ImGearCADPage page = null;
        // Load the file.
        using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            page = (ImGearCADPage)ImGearFileFormats.LoadPage(fileStream);
        // Orbit the camera
        page.Camera.Orbit(radX, radY);
    Copy Code
    Imports System.IO
    Imports ImageGear.Formats
    Imports ImageGear.Formats.CAD
    Public Sub CameraOrbit(path As String, radX As Double, radY As Double)
        Dim page As ImGearCADPage
        ' Load the file.
        Using fileStream As New FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
            page = ImGearFileFormats.LoadPage(fileStream)
        End Using
        '  Orbit the camera
        page.Camera.Orbit(radX, radY)
    End Sub