ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
ImGearThumbnailCtl Class Properties

ImageGear.Windows.Forms Assembly > ImageGear.Windows.Forms.Thumbnails Namespace : ImGearThumbnailCtl Class

For a list of all members of this type, see ImGearThumbnailCtl members.

Public Properties
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether all pages of a multi-page image (e.g., a multi-frame GIF or TIFF file) will be loaded into thumbnails, or whether only the first page will be loaded.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically grab focus.  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the vertical scrollbar appears when all the items don't fit into the Thumbnail control.  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets or sets the background color of the Thumbnail control.  
Public Property Gets or sets border style of the Thumbnail control.  
Public Property Gets or sets border width in pixels around the thumbnail. The border is drawn with the color specified by ForeColor.  
Public Property Gets the number of items within the Thumbnail control, and thus also the number of ImGearThumbnailItem objects available for Item method.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail browser can be a Drag source, Drop target or both.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail item will appear flat or three dimensional.  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets or sets the font used for rendering titles under the thumbnail items.  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets or sets color to use for rendering titles under those thumbnail items that are neither selected nor highlighted.  
Public Property Gets or sets the background color used for the Title of highlighted Thumbnail items.  
Public Property Gets or sets the foreground color used for the Title of highlighted Thumbnail items.  
Public Property Gets or sets the amount of extra space, in pixels, to place around the thumbnail item image inside the "button".  
Public Property Gets or sets item height in pixels of the image to be drawn in each thumbnail item.  
Public Property Gets or sets item width in pixels of the image to be drawn in each thumbnail item.  
Public Property Gets or sets the amount of extra space, in pixels, to leave between the left edge of the control and the left-most item drawn inside the control.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple selection is allowed.  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets or sets a value indicating whether text appears right to left. Inerhited property not supported by thumbnail control.  
Public Property Gets or sets background color used for the Title of selected Thumbnail items.  
Public Property Gets or sets foreground color used for the Title of selected Thumbnail items.  
Public Property Gets or sets the width of the 3D appearance for every item if the Flat property is set to true.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether to see a larger popup image for the thumbnail when pressing the right-mouse-button down.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether a title is shown for each thumbnail, below the button.  
Public Property Gets or sets what sorting (none, title ascending, title descending, user-defined) is used when a new item is added.  
Public PropertyGets or sets IComparer used when Sort property is set to UserSort. You should provide a class implementing IComparer interface for custom sorting.  
Public Property Gets or sets a font for items.  
Public Property Gets or sets height for the item title.  
Public Property Gets or sets the amount of extra space, in pixels, to leave between the top edge of the control and the top-most item drawn inside the control.  
Public Property Gets or sets the amount of horizontal space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in pixels.  
Public Property Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between thumbnails displayed on the control, in pixels.  
Public Property Gets or sets the amount of zoom-in to use when displaying the magnified popup image.  
See Also


ImGearThumbnailCtl Class
ImageGear.Windows.Forms.Thumbnails Namespace

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