ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
endHeadAngle Property

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > Mark class : endHeadAngle Property
Specifies the angle between a line and the edge of an arrowhead.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_endHeadAngle() : Number
function set_endHeadAngle(value : Number)
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfMark.get_endHeadAngle();

This JavaScript code will create the marks shown in the image on this page.

// Create a new line mark.
var mark = new ImageGear.Web.UI.Mark(ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Line);

// Set various properties.
var points = mark.get_points();
points.setPoint(0, new ImageGear.Web.UI.Point(75, 175));
points.setPoint(1, new ImageGear.Web.UI.Point(175, 100));

// Add the mark to the page.
// Adding them after setting the properties avoids a lot of needless markChanged events.

// Create a new line mark.
// Note that if you skip this step, you will overwrite the properties of the original mark and the second call to addMark() will do nothing because the mark is already associated with the ArtPage.
mark = new ImageGear.Web.UI.Mark(ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Line);

// Set various properties.
points = mark.get_points();
points.setPoint(0, new ImageGear.Web.UI.Point(100, 200));
points.setPoint(1, new ImageGear.Web.UI.Point(200, 125));

// Add the mark to the page.
// Adding them after setting the properties avoids a lot of needless markChanged events.

This property specifies the angle (in degrees) between a line and the edge of an arrowhead. If endHeadType is set to None, then this property will have no effect. A similar property is available for the start of a line: startHeadAngle. If you change the value of this property, this object will raise its propertyChanged event.

This figure shows two lines; the left one does not have an arrowhead, so the end head angle is not important and the right one has an end head angle of 30 degrees.

Mark types: This property is valid for Line and Polyline marks.
Valid values: Any number between 0 and 180, inclusive.
Default value: 15

ImageGear for .NET name: EndHeadAngle
NotateXpress (version 10) name: N/A

See Also


Mark class
Mark Members

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