ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
enabled Property

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > ImGearThumbnailList class : enabled Property
Indicates if the ImGearThumbnailList control is in an active state.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_enabled() : Boolean
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearThumbnailList.get_enabled();

This is a read-only property. The value will be set to 'true when the control is initialized. It will have a value of 'false', when the control is disposed. A value of true indicates that the ImGearThumbnailList control is an active state. All operations are allowed when in active state.

See Also


ImGearThumbnailList class
ImGearThumbnailList Members

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