ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
ImGearDocumentCollection class Members

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace : ImGearDocumentCollection class

The following tables list the members exposed by ImGearDocumentCollection.

Public Constructors
public Constructor  
Public Properties
public Property Returns the length of the collection.  
Public Methods
public Method Appends a document to the end of the collection.  
public Method Calls the specified function once for each ImGearDocument in the collection.  
public Method Returns a document in the collection.  
public Method Inserts a document in the collection at the location specified by the parameter 'index'.  
public Method Removes all the documents from the collection.  
public Method Removes a document from the collection.  
Public Events
public Event Indicates that a new document was added to the collection.  
public Event Indicates that a document in the collection was changed.  
public Event Indicates that a document was removed from the collection.  
public Event Indicates that a new page was added to the page collection in the document.  
public Event Indicates that a page in the page collection in a document of this document collection was changed.  
public Event Indicates that a page is removed from the page collection in the document.  
See Also


ImGearDocumentCollection class
ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace

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