ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
ImGearFrequencyProcessingVerifier Class Methods

ImageGear.Processing.Advanced Assembly > ImageGear.FreqIP Namespace : ImGearFrequencyProcessingVerifier Class

For a list of all members of this type, see ImGearFrequencyProcessingVerifier members.

Public Methods
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.BandPassFilter can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.BandStopFilter can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.Convolve can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.ForwardDCT can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.ForwardDCTFromImage can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.ForwardDST can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.ForwardDSTFromImage can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.ForwardFFT can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.ForwardFFTFromImage can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.HighPassFilter can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InverseDCT can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InverseDCTToImage can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InverseDST can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InverseDSTToImage can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InverseFFT can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImGearComplexObject class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InverseFFTToImage can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InverseRestore can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.LowPassFilter can be applied to it.  
Public MethodTakes an ImageGear.Core.ImGearRasterPage class object and determines whether ImGearFrequencyProcessing.WienerRestore can be applied to it.  
See Also


ImGearFrequencyProcessingVerifier Class
ImageGear.FreqIP Namespace
ImGearFrequencyProcessing Class

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