ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
CreateNewPage Method

ImageGear.Formats.Pdf Assembly > ImageGear.Formats.PDF Namespace > ImGearPDFDocument Class : CreateNewPage Method
The page number after which the new page is inserted. The first page is 0. Use BEFORE_FIRST_PAGE to insert the new page at the beginning of a document.
Rectangle specifying the page's media box, specified in user space coordinates.
Creates new page in the document.
Public Function CreateNewPage( _
   ByVal precedingIndex As Integer, _
   ByVal mediaBox As ImGearPDFFixedRect _
) As ImGearPDFPage
Dim instance As ImGearPDFDocument
Dim precedingIndex As Integer
Dim mediaBox As ImGearPDFFixedRect
Dim value As ImGearPDFPage
value = instance.CreateNewPage(precedingIndex, mediaBox)
public ImGearPDFPage CreateNewPage( 
   int precedingIndex,
   ImGearPDFFixedRect mediaBox
public: ImGearPDFPage* CreateNewPage( 
   int precedingIndex,
   ImGearPDFFixedRect* mediaBox
ImGearPDFPage^ CreateNewPage( 
   int precedingIndex,
   ImGearPDFFixedRect^ mediaBox


The page number after which the new page is inserted. The first page is 0. Use BEFORE_FIRST_PAGE to insert the new page at the beginning of a document.
Rectangle specifying the page's media box, specified in user space coordinates.

Return Value

ImGearPDFPreflight class object.
See Also


ImGearPDFDocument Class
ImGearPDFDocument Members
ImGearPDFPreflight Class
ImGearPDFFixedRect Class

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