ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
Item Property (ImGearFormatParameters)

ImageGear.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Formats Namespace > ImGearFormatParameters Class : Item Property
Index of control parameter to get.
Gets control parameter by index.
Public ReadOnly Default Property Item( _
   ByVal index As Integer _
) As ImGearControlParameter
Dim instance As ImGearFormatParameters
Dim index As Integer
Dim value As ImGearControlParameter
value = instance.Item(index)
public ImGearControlParameter this[ 
   int index
]; {get;}
public: __property ImGearControlParameter* get_Item   int index
property ImGearControlParameter^ default [int] {
   ImGearControlParameter^ get(int index);


Index of control parameter to get.

Property Value

The ImGearControlParameter class interface of the control parameter from the collection of parameters.The ImGearControlParameter control parameter from the collection of parameters.
See Also


ImGearFormatParameters Class
ImGearFormatParameters Members
ImGearControlParameter Class

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