ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
IImGearPageDisplay Interface Properties

ImageGear.Core Assembly > ImageGear.Display Namespace : IImGearPageDisplay Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IImGearPageDisplay members.

Public Properties
 Property Gets bitonal anti-aliasing settings.  
 PropertyGets or sets ImGearAnnotationPage object associated with this display page.  
 Property Gets background drawing attributes.  
 Property Gets the list of extra channels and their display options.  
 Property Gets color anti-aliasing attributes.  
 Property Gets or sets the DICOM specific display contrast settings.  
 Property Gets image display layout settings.  
 Property Gets or sets a display lookup table.  
 Property Gets image orientation attributes.  
 Property Gets or sets ImGearPage object associated with this display page.  
 Property Gets re-sampling attributes.  
See Also


IImGearPageDisplay Interface
ImageGear.Display Namespace

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