ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
GetCustomController Method (ImGearARTCustomDrawingController)

ImageGear.Art Assembly > ImageGear.ART Namespace > ImGearARTCustomDrawingController Class : GetCustomController Method
Name of the custom mark type.
Returns a registered custom mark controller.
Public Shared Function GetCustomController( _
   ByVal userType As String _
) As ImGearARTCustomDrawingController
Dim userType As String
Dim value As ImGearARTCustomDrawingController
value = ImGearARTCustomDrawingController.GetCustomController(userType)
public static ImGearARTCustomDrawingController GetCustomController( 
   string userType
public: static ImGearARTCustomDrawingController* GetCustomController( 
   string* userType
static ImGearARTCustomDrawingController^ GetCustomController( 
   String^ userType


Name of the custom mark type.

Return Value

Registered custom controller.
userType is an unique name that identifies the type of custom mark. It is stored in ART page and should be the same for all applications that supports a given type of custom mark.
See Also


ImGearARTCustomDrawingController Class
ImGearARTCustomDrawingController Members

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