ImageGear .NET v25.2 - Updated
Built-In FileImageDataProvider
Developer Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Viewing > Viewing Using ASP.NET > Web.config Settings for Legacy ASP.NET Controls > Description of Configuration Settings > Image Data Provider Configuration > Built-In FileImageDataProvider

This provider allows the retrieval of image files for display. It also allows retrieval and updating annotations data from the files.

Copy Code
<ImageGear.Web.DataProviders.ImageProvider default="FileImageDataProvider"> 
  <add name="FileImageDataProvider" type="ImageGear.Web.DataProviders.FileImageDataProvider,ImageGear.Web.Services" storageRootPath="~/viewerImages/" maxImageSizeToCache="512" cachingTimeLimit="5" cachingEnable="false" />
artDataFileNameFormat="{0}.xml" />

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