You can add, remove, or find the tilt for a specified image. These methods can be applied only to 8, 16 or 32-bpp grayscale images with one channel.
Adding Tilt
The AddTilt Method adds a specified plane to the input image to correct for a tilt in the image luminance. The plane has X and Y zero crossing at the center of the input image with the slope of the plane in X direction and the slope of the plane in Y direction, as specified in the arguments.
Removing Tilt
The RemoveTilt Method computes the best-fit plane for an image, and then subtracts that plane from the image to produce the output. This is very handy for correcting illumination gradients in a poorly digitized image.
Finding Tilt
The FindTilt Method computes the least-squares best fit plane for an image. The plane will be given by formula:
f(x, y) = SlopeX * x + SlopeY * y + Piston.