ImageGear .NET v25.1.1 introduces the following features and improvements:
Added new functionality to work with OCRA fonts for OCR.
Added the DetectBlankPage method to the ImGearOcrImage class, which provides the ability to detect blank pages from scanned documents.
Added new functionality to populate the recognition result in the existing PDF page.
Added the igEqualizeNonSquareResolutions option to the HTML5Viewer sample's Image Data Processor Configuration. Set it to true to resize raster documents with unequal horizontal and vertical resolutions and convert their resolutions to be equal before displaying the image in the browser.
Corrected the problem with recognition of 0 and O for specific images.
Corrected the problem with unnamed Art groups generated by Web services.
Error handling is added for importing Art pages with unnamed groups.
ImageGear .NET v25.1 introduces the following features and improvements:
Split installation packages into separate versions for x86 and x64 to reduce the size of the download.
Added a FontAttribute property to the ImGearOCRLetter class, which provides style information about the recognized character.
Added CapitalLetterHeight and FontSize attributes to the ImGearOCRLetter class to provide more detailed information about text size and positioning.
The ImGearOCRPage.CreatePDFPage method now attempts to reproduce monospace, sans serif, italic, and bold text when those properties are detected on the input image.
When using ImGearOCRDirectTextFormat.XmlWithCoordinates, the ImGearOCR.WriteDirectText method now includes boolean "italic" and/or "bold" attributes on word elements detected as being italic or bold, as well as "fontSize" and "baseLine" attributes for each word.
ImageGear .NET v25.0 introduces the following product updates and fixes:
Breaking Change: We’ve replaced the Recognition component with a new OCR component. If you’re upgrading to v25 or later from v24.x or earlier and use the Recognition component, there are some steps you’ll need to take to migrate your code to use the new OCR component. See the migration document.
You can now evaluate ImageGear .NET without obtaining a license. The evaluation licensing code is now embedded in the ImageGear.Core
assembly itself, replacing the evaluation license that was placed in the registry by the product installer in previous versions. This also allows you to use the Accusoft ImageGear NuGet packages without performing any additional licensing.
ImageGear .NET is now distributed using a simple ZIP archive so there is no need to run an installer application.
Added a new IImGearColorAntiAlias.Quality property that allows you to select the quality of rendering non-1bpp images when zoomed out.
Added a new overload for the ImGearPDF.Initialize method that allows you to select which folder the PostScript library uses to store temporary files.
Removed the version number from native component file names (e.g., igpdf25nu.dll
is now igpdfnu.dll
). Since these native components are only used internally, this will not impact your references.
Fixed a contrast issue with reading DICOM images having 15-bit LUT embedded.
Fixed an issue when reading certain multipage GIF files.
Fixed an issue in HTML5Viewer's ImGearAnnotationBar.js
that caused unnecessary markup updates to be sent to the ImGearService.svc
when no changes had been made.
Fixed an issue with the NuGet packages that caused native dependencies to be duplicated in the website root directory when performing a web publish in Visual Studio.
Fixed an issue that caused a System.IndexOutOfRangeException
when dragging an ImGearPageView
offscreen while displaying an RLE-compressed bitonal image.
Fixed a performance issue in the web component caused by loading entire multipage documents while attempting to access a single page.
Fixed an issue in frequency domain image processing that caused its HighPass filter to produce results equal to LowPass.
Fixed an issue with the Deployment Packaging Wizard's configuration files that caused the FFTW library not to be distributed with the Advanced Processing component.