For a list of all members of this type, see MarkupArtDocumentDataConnection members.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
| Close |
This method simply calls Dispose().
| Create |
Creates a new Markup Layer. This method returns the Markup Layer Record ID for the newly created Markup Layer,
which is assigned by the Markup Data Provider and sent back to the client viewer.
| Dispose |
This closes the connection to a document.
The base class also calls MarkupArtDataConnection.DocumentConnectionClosed() to indicate that the document is now closed.
| Read |
Retrieves the Markup Layer for the requested Document Identifier and Markup Layer Record ID
| Update |
Overwrites the existing Markup Layer content for the requested Document Identifier and Markup Layer Record ID.
Protected Methods
| Name | Description |
| Closed |
The derived class can implement this method to do the necessary cleanup when the document is closed.
See Also