ImageGear .NET v25.1 - Updated
Mosaic Method

ImageGear.Processing.Advanced Assembly > ImageGear.Processing Namespace > ImGearEffects Class : Mosaic Method
Page class object.
Fill parameters for mosaic operation. See ImGearMosaicFillParams description.
Parameters of the cell for mosaic operation. See ImGearMosaicCellParams description.
Parameters of cell borders. See ImGearMosaicBorderParams description.
Parameters of the shadow effect. See ImGearMosaicShadowParams description.
This method provides 3D mosaic effect on an image.


Page class object.
Fill parameters for mosaic operation. See ImGearMosaicFillParams description.
Parameters of the cell for mosaic operation. See ImGearMosaicCellParams description.
Parameters of cell borders. See ImGearMosaicBorderParams description.
Parameters of the shadow effect. See ImGearMosaicShadowParams description.
This method provides a 3D mosaic effect on an image.
// Applies a mosaic effect to an image.

// Parameter classes for Mosaic method.
ImGearMosaicFillParams igMosaicFillParams = new ImGearMosaicFillParams();
ImGearMosaicCellParams igMosaicCellParams = new ImGearMosaicCellParams();
ImGearMosaicBorderParams igMosaicBorderParams = new ImGearMosaicBorderParams();
ImGearMosaicShadowParams igMosaicShadowParams = new ImGearMosaicShadowParams();

//Color for fill and border.
ImGearPixel igPixel = new ImGearPixel(igRasterPage.DIB.ChannelCount, igRasterPage.DIB.BitsPerChannel);
//Set the color to a dark gray based on the bits per channel.
for (int i = 0; i < igPixel.ChannelCount; ++i)
    igPixel[i] = (int)Math.Pow(2, igRasterPage.DIB.BitsPerChannel) / 4;

// Cell parameters
igMosaicCellParams.Type = ImGearMosaicType.Cartesian;
igMosaicCellParams.Width = 32;
igMosaicCellParams.Height = 32;
igMosaicCellParams.PolarCenterX = 100;
igMosaicCellParams.PolarCenterY = 100;
// Fill parameters
igMosaicFillParams.Color = igPixel;
igMosaicFillParams.Opacity = (float)0.20;
// Border parameters
igMosaicBorderParams.Width = 0;
igMosaicBorderParams.Height = 0;
igMosaicBorderParams.Color = igPixel;
igMosaicBorderParams.Opacity = (float)0.30;
igMosaicBorderParams.Irregularity = 0;
// Shadow Parameters
igMosaicShadowParams.Enabled = true;
igMosaicShadowParams.Threshold = 0;
igMosaicShadowParams.Direction = ImGearDirection.SouthEast;
igMosaicShadowParams.HighResolution = false;
igMosaicShadowParams.Intensity = (float)1.0;

' Applies a mosaic effect to an image.

     ' Parameter classes for Mosaic function.
     Dim igMosaicFillParams As New ImGearMosaicFillParams()
     Dim igMosaicCellParams As New ImGearMosaicCellParams()
     Dim igMosaicBorderParams As New ImGearMosaicBorderParams()
     Dim igMosaicShadowParams As New ImGearMosaicShadowParams()

     'Color for fill and border.
     Dim igPixel As New ImGearPixel(igRasterPage.DIB.ChannelCount, igRasterPage.DIB.BitsPerChannel)
     For i As Integer = 0 To igPixel.ChannelCount - 1
         igPixel(i) = CInt(Math.Pow(2, igRasterPage.DIB.BitsPerChannel)) / 4
     'Set the color to a dark gray based on the bits per channel.

     ' Cell parameters
     igMosaicCellParams.Type = ImGearMosaicType.Cartesian
     igMosaicCellParams.Width = 32
     igMosaicCellParams.Height = 32
     igMosaicCellParams.PolarCenterX = 100
     igMosaicCellParams.PolarCenterY = 100
     ' Fill parameters
     igMosaicFillParams.Color = igPixel
     igMosaicFillParams.Opacity = CSng(0.2)
     ' Border parameters
     igMosaicBorderParams.Width = 0
     igMosaicBorderParams.Height = 0
     igMosaicBorderParams.Color = igPixel
     igMosaicBorderParams.Opacity = CSng(0.3)
     igMosaicBorderParams.Irregularity = 0
     ' Shadow Parameters
     igMosaicShadowParams.Enabled = True
     igMosaicShadowParams.Threshold = 0
     igMosaicShadowParams.Direction = ImGearDirection.SouthEast
     igMosaicShadowParams.HighResolution = False
     igMosaicShadowParams.Intensity = CSng(1)

     ImGearEffects.Mosaic(igRasterPage, igMosaicFillParams, _
igMosaicCellParams, igMosaicBorderParams, igMosaicShadowParams)
See Also


ImGearEffects Class
ImGearEffects Members
ImGearRasterPage Class
ImGearMosaicFillParams Class
ImGearMosaicCellParams Class
ImGearMosaicBorderParams Class
ImGearMosaicShadowParams Class