ImageGear .NET v25.0 - Updated
caption Property

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > ImGearDocument class : caption Property
Gets or sets caption for the ImGearDocument.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_caption() : String
function set_caption(value : String)
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearDocument.get_caption();

This property value can be used for formatting the string for thumbnail caption, Refer to the property % ImageGear.Web.UI.ImGearThumbnailList.thumbnailCaptionFormat% This property is a string that can be displayed as a caption in the thumbnail in the ImGearThumbnailList control if it is included in format for the thumbnail caption. When this property is changed, it will trigger to fire the "propertyChanged" event.

See Also


ImGearDocument class
ImGearDocument Members