| Class | Description |
 | ImGear3DVisualization |
Provides 3D visualization API.
 | ImGear3DVisualizationVerifier | This object provides CanApplyGenerateIsosurface method to determine whether an ImageGear.Core.ImGearDocument class object can be used to calculate isosurface from. |
 | ImGearIsosurfaceOptions |
Contains parameters for the isosurface algorithm.
 | ImGearVectorData |
Represents a collection of vector entities, layers, and views.
 | ImGearVectorEntity |
Represents the base class for all entities. It provides access to the common entity features.
 | ImGearVectorEntityArc |
Represents an elliptical arc that is defined by radii and angles.
 | ImGearVectorEntityBeziercurve |
Represents a Bezier curve that is defined by control points and curve degree.
 | ImGearVectorEntityBeziersurface |
Represents a Bezier surface.
 | ImGearVectorEntityBlock |
This entity includes a container with other entities.
 | ImGearVectorEntityConnection |
Represents a special entity that is used to connect end and start points of neighboring entities in the figure entity container.
 | ImGearVectorEntityCont |
This object is used by blocks and figures to keep its entities.
 | ImGearVectorEntityEasyline |
This entity represent a line specified by start and end point.
 | ImGearVectorEntityEasysurface |
Represents a surface that is drawn exactly by its control points.
 | ImGearVectorEntityEllipse |
Represents an ellipse.
 | ImGearVectorEntityFigure |
Represents an entity that contains several regions. Any region can include other entities such
as lines, polylines, arcs and other entities.
 | ImGearVectorEntityGeometry |
Represents a set of drawing primitives such as points, independent line segments,
connected line segments, independent and connected triangles, independent and connected quadrilaterals, or polygons.
 | ImGearVectorEntityInsertion |
Represents a transformation wrapper for the block.
 | ImGearVectorEntityNURBScurve |
Represents non-uniform rational bi-spline curve.
 | ImGearVectorEntityNURBSsurface |
Represents a non-uniform rational B-spline surface.
 | ImGearVectorEntityPolyline |
Represents a polyline.
 | ImGearVectorEntityPolylineEx |
Represents extended polyline.
 | ImGearVectorEntityRaster |
Represents a non-rectangular raster image.
 | ImGearVectorEntitySolid |
Represents a quadrangle.
 | ImGearVectorEntitySplinesurface |
Base class for NURBS and Bezier surfaces.
 | ImGearVectorEntityText |
Represents a text string.
 | ImGearVectorEntityViewport |
Represents a viewport.
 | ImGearVectorFilltype |
Represents the fill type for drawing filled objects.
 | ImGearVectorFloatCont |
Represents the container for floating point values.
 | ImGearVectorFont |
Represents the font for the text drawing.
 | ImGearVectorGradient |
This class is used as the base for particular gradient filling classes.
 | ImGearVectorGradientLinear |
Represents a linear gradient object.
 | ImGearVectorGradientRadial |
Represents a radial gradient object.
 | ImGearVectorHatch |
Represents a vector hatch.
 | ImGearVectorHatchline |
Represents the line segment for the vector hatch.
 | ImGearVectorLayer |
Contains drawing attributes that can be applied to several entities.
 | ImGearVectorLightSource |
Implements a light source.
 | ImGearVectorLinetype |
Represents the line type.
 | ImGearVectorObject | Base class for all vector objects. It implements one read/only property Handle property that returns an internal handle of the object. |
 | ImGearVectorRotation | Provides rotation operations for the ImGearVectorEntityViewport object. |
 | ImGearVectorTextObject |
Contains a part of a text string that uses particular set of font attributes.
 | ImGearVectorVertexCont |
Represents a vertex container.
 | ImGearVectorView |
Represents a camera and lighting model for displaying the vector content.
 | ImGearVectPage |
This object represents a vector page which has a background and an ImGearVectorData vector drawing.