ImageGear .NET - Updated December 24, 2018
Troubleshooting ASP.NET
User Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Viewing > Viewing Using ASP.NET > Troubleshooting ASP.NET

If you're running into issues while installing and configuring ASP.NET for the first time on a particular system, see the New to ASP.NET? section of "Viewing Using ASP.NET".

This topic covers some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of using ImageGear with ASP.NET:

“80040154 Class Not Registered” Error when Using the License Development Kit on IIS

If you are receiving an "80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))." error while trying to use the LDK on a website created through IIS, it is likely because of a platform conflict (x32 vs x64). To fix it, try checking (or unchecking) "Enable 32-Bit Applications" for the App Pool associated with the website.

Deploying ImageGear .NET Web to a New Server Causes ImageGearServices.svc to Not Work

Please check the Windows Features to ensure that you have WCF and HTTP Activation installed for ImageGear Services to work.

Using a Network Drive Path for Image and Art Storage in a ImageGear.NET Web Application

In an ImageGear .NET web application, you will need to define the location of the images and annotations directory in the storageRootPath and artStorageRootPath configuration properties (see Built-In SqlImageDataProvider).

Currently, storageRootPath and artStorageRootPath do not work with a network drive path "\\SERVER-NAME\sharefilename".

The workaround for this is to create a Symbolic link from a local directory to the network drive directory.

To create a symbolic link:

  1. Open "Command Prompt" as Administrator
  2. Type the following:

    > mklink /d "local path" \\SERVER-NAME\sharefilename

  3. Pass in the path of the symbolic link as image or art storage root path in your web.config:

    storageRootPath="local path"
    artStorageRootPath="local path"

I Configured the config.web File when Using ImageGear ASP.NET for Logging. Where is the Log File?

If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, watch the output tab from the Debug view and see if any ImageGear.Web messages appear. If not, reconfigure the web.config file as outlined in Error Logging Configuration Settings. Try enabling verbose logging by setting the switch named imageGearSwitch value to Verbose. For example:

<switches >
    <add name="imageGearSwitch" value="Verbose" />
</switches >

The IIS emulation package should have started the ASP.NET Development Server, and you should see the icon on the right side of the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. If not, also check the following:

Not Seeing My Image on the ImageGear ASP.NET Web Form

There are numerous reasons why an image may not appear. Besides using a common web debugger, the ASP.NET controls are designed to generate logs. See Error Logging Configuration Settings for information on setting up logging. Please contact Accusoft for assistance in analyzing the log (see Getting Support).

Image Appears to Load Two Times in ASP.NET

This is done to give the web browser user a more responsive feel. A low resolution full-sized image is first loaded, which is fairly quick and responsive. Then, a higher resolution image will typically follow for the portion of the image being viewed in the client viewer. This higher quality image can be the one showing a full image at better resolution or one or more tiles showing a portion of the image, depending on how far zoomed in the image may be. When you scroll around or zoom into the client viewer, you may see the previously loaded low resolution view for a moment while a better quality image gets requested and then subsequently displayed.

My config.web Edits for Licensing Do Not Seem to Properly License My Deployed ImageGear ASP.NET Application

Please be sure to copy the license strings exactly. Even trailing spaces in quoted strings must be applied. Also, with IIS services, it sometimes is necessary to restart or recycle the Application Pool for which the hosted ASP.NET application resides and not just the IIS service itself.

IIS Application Getting "Permission Denied" on C:\Windows\Temp\Accusoft

This issue can arise with multiple IIS app pools writing to the same folder and ASP temp directory. When one website creates files inside, others may not be able to read them. Try the following:

  1. Give explicit permissions for each app pool user (e.g, IIS AppPool\[name]) on C:\Windows\Temp\Accusoft
  2. Do the same for C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[version]\Temporary ASP.NET Files