ImageGear .NET - Updated December 24, 2018
Thumbnail Selection
User Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Viewing > Viewing with WPF > Controls for XAML Application Development > Thumbnail Control > Thumbnail Selection

You can use the following ImGearThumbnailList methods to programmatically change which thumbnail item is selected: SelectFirstItem, SelectLastItem, SelectNextBandItem, SelectPreviousBandItem, SelectNextItem, and SelectPreviousItem. The control also contains commands for these which can be used in XAML. If a thumbnail item is currently selected, the arrow keys can also be used to change the currently selected item to an adjacent thumbnail item. The SelectionMode property can be used to specify Single, Multiple, or Extended selection.

The full resolution source image of the currently selected thumbnail item can be displayed in a PageView control by binding the PageView Display property to the ImGearThumbnailList SelectedPageDisplay property. When this is done, a thumbnail’s source image is automatically displayed in the PageView control when the thumbnail item is selected. Any mark modifications in the PageView control are also shown in the thumbnail image if the DisplayMarks property is set to true.