ImageGear .NET - Updated December 24, 2018
Annotation Mouse Tools
User Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Viewing > Viewing with WPF > Controls for XAML Application Development > Toolbar > Annotation Mouse Tools

To access the annotation toolbar functionality in the PageView control:

  1. Add a reference to ImageGear.Windows.Controls.Art.dll in your project (and distribute this assembly with your application).
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Use the toolbar as described in the Toolbar section (which will change the PageView.MouseTool property when a toolbar button is clicked).
    • Set the PageView mouse tool programmatically by setting the PageView.MouseTool property to an annotation mouse tool setting.

      For example, if you set the MouseTool property to CreateRectangleMark, the user can then use the mouse to create a rectangle mark. You can set the PageView.MouseTool property to SelectMark so that the user can edit marks, such as moving them or resizing them.

For more information on the ImageGear.Windows.Controls.Art assembly and annotation creation, editing, and settings, see the Annotations section.