Class | Description | |
ImGearColorBook | Represents a color book. | |
ImGearColorBookColor | Represents a color in the color book. | |
ImGearColorBooks | Represents a static collection of color books. | |
ImGearColorChannelInfo | Spot channel class that uses regular color space like RGB, CMYK, etc. | |
ImGearColorProfile | Represents a color profile. | |
ImGearColorProfileManager | Provides global profile storage and allows enabling and disabling the automatic use of global color profiles for color space conversion and display operations. | |
ImGearDIB | Encapsulates an image, which consists of the pixel data and its attributes. | |
ImGearDisplayChannel | Represents display attributes for individual channel. | |
ImGearDisplayChannels | Represents a collection of ImGearDisplayChannel class objects. | |
ImGearDocument | Represents a collection of ImGearPage objects. | |
ImGearDocumentPageArray | Represents a collection of pages within ImGearDocument object. | |
ImGearException | Base class for all exceptions thrown by the ImageGear for .NET library. Contains error codes and optionally supplied data. | |
ImGearExtraChannelInfo | This is a general extra channel class. | |
ImGearFullLUT | Represents a lookup table that contains a full table of values for each possible input index. | |
ImGearLicense | Manages licensing data (i.e., license type and key). | |
ImGearLinearLUT | This class represents a lookup table that does not store the actual LUT values, but calculates output values dynamically using a linear formula. | |
ImGearLUT | Provides a base for lookup tables (LUTs) that are used in ImageGear. | |
ImGearMaskColorChannelInfo | Represents mask color channel info. | |
ImGearMaskSpotChannelInfo | Represents a mask spot channel that uses a special (like Pantone) color. | |
ImGearMetadataDictionary | Provides access to Metadata Dictionary that is used in ImageGear. | |
ImGearMetadataHead | Head of metadata tree. | |
ImGearMetadataLeaf | Represents metadata node that contains a data value and cannot reference other metadata nodes. | |
ImGearMetadataNode | Provides generic functionality for the ImageGear metadata objects. | |
ImGearMetadataNodeList | Collection of metadata nodes. Processes additional verifications concerning collection structure. Used as a part of ImGearMetadataTree. | |
ImGearMetadataTree | Encapsulates entity of file format metadata tree. | |
ImGearMultichannelLUT | Represents a multichannel lookup table (LUT). | |
ImGearPage | Represents single-page image. In addition to image pixels, contains other attributes like ROI and metadata. | |
ImGearPixel | Encapsulates all attributes and operations for an image pixel. | |
ImGearPixelArray | One dimensional array of image pixels. | |
ImGearPolygon | Defines a polygon shape. | |
ImGearRasterPage | The class represents a raster image. | |
ImGearRGBLUT | Represents RGB lookup table (LUT). | |
ImGearROI | Region of interest associated with an ImGearPage instance. | |
ImGearROIMask | 1-bit (binary) raster image that specifies a free shaped region of interest. | |
ImGearROIRectangle | Rectangular region of interest. | |
ImGearSpotChannelInfo | Spot channel class that uses a special color, such as Pantone. | |
ImGearTransparency | Specifies image transparency attributes like transparent color for display. | |
ImGearVectorPage | Represents a page that contains vector data. | |
ImGearVersion | This class provides static properties to retrieve version info for the product assembly. | |
ImGearWarning | Base class for all warnings handled by the ImageGear for .NET library. Contains error code and optionally supplied data. |