ImageGear .NET - Updated December 24, 2018
DebugItemCause Enumeration

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace : DebugItemCause Enumeration
Indicates the cause of a debug item.
Custom2 - Indicates a log item is a result of a call to the ImageGear.Web.UI.PageView.writeToLog or ImageGear.Web.UI.ThumbnailView.writeToLog functions.
Exception1 - Indicates a log item is a result of an exception.
FunctionCall0 - Indicates a log item is a result of a JavaScript call made to an Accusoft control. Note that items with this cause may also be due to an Accusoft control calling a different control (such as when a ImageGear.Web.UI.ThumbnailView control interacts with its associated ImageGear.Web.UI.PageView).
UserAction3 - Indicates a log item is a result of a user's interaction with the user interface of a control.
Warning4 - Indicates a log item is a result of a warning.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace