| Name | Description |
 | CanApplyAddTilt | Returns true if AddTilt method can be applied to the specified page. |
 | CanApplyAdjustContrast | Overloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.AdjustContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyBlend | Returns true if Blend Method can be applied to the specified page , false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyBlendWithAlpha | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.BlendWithAlpha method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyCalculateStatistics | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.CalculateStatistics method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyClose | Checks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Close method can be applied to the specified raster page. |
 | CanApplyConvertColorSpace | Returns true if ConvertColorSpace Method can be applied to the specified page , false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyConvolve | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Convolve method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyCrypt | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Encrypt and ImGearRasterProcessing.Decrypt methods can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyDeskew | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Deskew method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyDespeckle | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Despeckle method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyDilate | Checks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Dilate method can be applied to the specified raster page. |
 | CanApplyEnhanceLocal | Returns true if EnhanceLocal method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyEqualizeContrast | Overloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.EqualizeContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyErode | Checks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Erode method can be applied to the specified raster page. |
 | CanApplyFill | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Fill method can be applied to the specified using provided , false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyFilterWithMedian | Returns true if FilterWithMedian method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyFilterWithUnsharpMask | Returns true if FilterWithUnsharpMask method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyFindSkewAngle | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.FindSkewAngle method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyFindTilt | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.FindTilt method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyGaussianBlur | Returns true if Gaussian Method can be applied to the specified page , false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyGeomDespeckle | Returns true if GeomDespeckle method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyInvertContrast | Overloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.InvertContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyMerge | Returns true if Merge Method can be applied to the specified page , false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyOpen | Checks if ImGearRasterProcessing.Open method can be applied to the specified raster page. |
 | CanApplyReduce | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.Reduce method can be applied to the specified page , using specified reduction method, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyRemoveTilt | Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.RemoveTilt method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplySharpen | Returns true if Sharpen method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplySmooth | Verifies if Smooth method can be applied to the specified Page. |
 | CanApplyStretchContrast | Overloaded. Returns true if ImGearRasterProcessing.StretchContrast method can be applied to the specified page, false otherwise. |
 | CanApplyTabulateHistogram | Checks whether ImGearRasterProcessing.TabulateHistogram method can be applied to the page. |
 | CanApplyTransformWithLUT | Checks whether ImGearRasterProcessing.TransformWithLUT method can be applied to the page. |