ImageGear .NET - Updated October 2, 2018
White Balance Correction
User Guide > How to Work with... > Image Processing and Cleanup > Advanced Image Processing and Correction > White Balance Correction

The AdjustWhiteBalance Method corrects the white balance of an image.

For example, if the image was taken in the daylight, but the camera white balance setting was set to Tungsten, white objects would display as blue. To correct this (make the white objects display white), use AdjustWhiteBalance method, setting source white balance to Tungsten and destination white balance to Daylight.

This method can also be used to make image colors "cooler" or "warmer". To make the image look warmer, use source white point corresponding to a higher color temperature, and destination white point corresponding to a lower color temperature. To make the image look cooler, use source white point corresponding to a lower color temperature, and destination white point corresponding to a higher color temperature.

There are several overloads of this method.

Original Image Image with White Balance Corrected