ImageGear .NET - Updated August 31, 2018
Output Text Format List
User Guide > How to Work with... > OCR > Concepts > Technical Specifications > Output Text Format List

The following list contains all the selectable output formats of the converters:

Office 2007 Support

ImageGear Recognition can generate output for the new Office 2007 file types DOCX, XLSX and PPTX. These files can be opened only by programs in Office 2007, or by Office 2003 with an add-in supplied by Microsoft.

The DOCX philosophy is using a set of separate XML, picture and font files, all compressed into one ZIP-like package file. The real document content is housed in a set of XML files, but there are other XML files that define the connections between the content files and the other files. This allows DOCX file sizes to be typically much smaller than a corresponding DOC file.

This DOCX file type specification can download from:

The DOCX/XPSX/PPTX file types conform with a new Microsoft standard called “Open Packaging Conventions (OPC)” whose specification is available for download at