| Name | Description |
 | Afrikaans |
Gets or sets Afrikaans text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Albanian |
Gets or sets Albanian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicAlgeria |
Gets or sets Arabic - Algeria text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicBahrain |
Gets or sets Arabic - Bahrain text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicEgypt |
Gets or sets Arabic - Egypt text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicIraq |
Gets or sets Arabic - Iraq text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicJordan |
Gets or sets Arabic - Jordan text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicKuwait |
Gets or sets Arabic - Kuwait text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicLebanon |
Gets or sets Arabic - Lebanon text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicLibya |
Gets or sets Arabic - Libya text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicMorocco |
Gets or sets Arabic - Morocco text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicOman |
Gets or sets Arabic - Oman text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicQatar |
Gets or sets Arabic - Qatar text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicSaudiArabia |
Gets or sets Arabic - Saudi Arabia text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicSyria |
Gets or sets Arabic - Syria text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicTunisia |
Gets or sets Arabic - Tunisia text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicUnitedArabEmirates |
Gets or sets Arabic - United Arab Emirates text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is
not present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ArabicYemen |
Gets or sets Arabic - Yemen text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Armenian |
Gets or sets Armenian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | AzeriCyrillic |
Gets or sets Azeri - Cyrillic text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | AzeriLatin |
Gets or sets Azeri - Latin text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Basque |
Gets or sets Basque text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Belarusian |
Gets or sets Belarusian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Bulgarian |
Gets or sets Bulgarian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Catalan |
Gets or sets Catalan text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ChineseChina |
Gets or sets Chinese - China text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ChineseHongKongSAR |
Gets or sets Chinese - Hong Kong SAR text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ChineseMacauSAR |
Gets or sets Chinese - Macau SAR text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ChineseSingapore |
Gets or sets Chinese - Singapore text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ChineseTaiwan |
Gets or sets Chinese - Taiwan text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Croatian |
Gets or sets Croatian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Czech |
Gets or sets Czech text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Danish |
Gets or sets Danish text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Default |
Gets or sets default text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | DutchBelgium |
Gets or sets Dutch - Belgium text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | DutchNetherlands |
Gets or sets Dutch - Netherlands text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishAustralia |
Gets or sets English - Australia text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishBelize |
Gets or sets English - Belize text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishCanada |
Gets or sets English - Canada text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishCaribbean |
Gets or sets English - Caribbean text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishIreland |
Gets or sets English - Ireland text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishJamaica |
Gets or sets English - Jamaica text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishNewZealand |
Gets or sets English - New Zealand text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishPhillippines |
Gets or sets English - Philippines text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishSouthAfrica |
Gets or sets English - South Africa text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishTrinidad |
Gets or sets English - Trinidad text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishUnitedKingdom |
Gets or sets English - United Kingdom text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | EnglishUnitedStates |
Gets or sets English - United States text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Estonian |
Gets or sets Estonian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Faroese |
Gets or sets Faroese text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Farsi |
Gets or sets Farsi text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Finnish |
Gets or sets Finnish text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | FrenchBelgium |
Gets or sets French - Belgium text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | FrenchCanada |
Gets or sets French - Canada text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | FrenchFrance |
Gets or sets French - France text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | FrenchLuxembourg |
Gets or sets French - Luxembourg text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | FrenchSwitzerland |
Gets or sets French - Switzerland text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | GaelicIreland |
Gets or sets Gaelic - Ireland text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | GaelicScotland |
Gets or sets Gaelic - Scotland text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | GermanAustria |
Gets or sets German - Austria text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | GermanGermany |
Gets or sets German - Germany text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | GermanLiechtenstein |
Gets or sets German - Liechtenstein text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | GermanLuxembourg |
Gets or sets German - Luxembourg text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | GermanSwitzerland |
Gets or sets German - Switzerland text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Greek |
Gets or sets Greek text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Hebrew |
Gets or sets Hebrew text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Hindi |
Gets or sets Hindi text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Hungarian |
Gets or sets Hungarian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Icelandic |
Gets or sets Icelandic text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Indonesian |
Gets or sets Indonesian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ItalianItaly |
Gets or sets Italian - Italy text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | ItalianSwitzerland |
Gets or sets Italian - Switzerland text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Japanese |
Gets or sets Japanese text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Korean |
Gets or sets Korean text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Latvian |
Gets or sets Latvian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Lithuanian |
Gets or sets Lithuanian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | MacedonianFYROM |
Gets or sets Macedonian - FYROM text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | MalayBrunei |
Gets or sets Malay - Brunei text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | MalayMalaysia |
Gets or sets Malay - Malaysia text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Maltese |
Gets or sets Maltese text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Marathi |
Gets or sets Marathi text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | NorwegianBokml |
Gets or sets Norwegian - Bokml text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | NorwegianNynorsk |
Gets or sets Norwegian - Nynorsk text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Polish |
Gets or sets Polish text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | PortugueseBrazil |
Gets or sets Portuguese - Brazil text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | PortuguesePortugal |
Gets or sets Portuguese - Portugal text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | RaetoRomance |
Gets or sets Raeto - Romance text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | RomanianMoldova |
Gets or sets Romanian - Moldova text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | RomanianRomania |
Gets or sets Romanian - Romania text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Russian |
Gets or sets Russian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | RussianMoldova |
Gets or sets Russian - Moldova text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Sanskrit |
Gets or sets Sanskrit text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SerbianCyrillic |
Gets or sets Serbian - Cyrillic text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SerbianLatin |
Gets or sets Serbian - Latin text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Setsuana |
Gets or sets Setsuana text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Slovak |
Gets or sets Slovak text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Slovenian |
Gets or sets Slovenian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Sorbian |
Gets or sets Sorbian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SouthernSotho |
Gets or sets Southern Sotho text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishArgentina |
Gets or sets Spanish - Argentina text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishBolivia |
Gets or sets Spanish - Bolivia text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishChile |
Gets or sets Spanish - Chile text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishColombia |
Gets or sets Spanish - Colombia text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishCosta |
Gets or sets Spanish - Costa text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishDominican |
Gets or sets Spanish - Dominican text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishEcuador |
Gets or sets Spanish - Ecuador text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishElSalvador |
Gets or sets Spanish - El Salvador text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishGuatemala |
Gets or sets Spanish - Guatemala text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishHonduras |
Gets or sets Spanish - Honduras text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishMexico |
Gets or sets Spanish - Mexico text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishNicaragua |
Gets or sets Spanish - Nicaragua text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishPanama |
Gets or sets Spanish - Panama text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishParaguay |
Gets or sets Spanish - Paraguay text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishPeru |
Gets or sets Spanish - Peru text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishPuertoRico |
Gets or sets Spanish - Puerto Rico text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishSpain |
Gets or sets Spanish - Spain text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishUruguay |
Gets or sets Spanish - Uruguay text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SpanishVenezuela |
Gets or sets Spanish - Venezuela text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not
present. Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Swahili |
Gets or sets Swahili text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SwedishFinland |
Gets or sets Swedish - Finland text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | SwedishSweden |
Gets or sets Swedish - Sweden text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Tamil |
Gets or sets Tamil text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Tatar |
Gets or sets Tatar text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Thai |
Gets or sets Thai text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Tsonga |
Gets or sets Tsonga text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Turkish |
Gets or sets Turkish text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Ukrainian |
Gets or sets Ukrainian text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Urdu |
Gets or sets Urdu text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | UzbekCyrillic |
Gets or sets Uzbek - Cyrillic text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present.
Set to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | UzbekLatin |
Gets or sets Uzbek - Latin text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set
to null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Vietnamese |
Gets or sets Vietnamese text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Xhosa |
Gets or sets Xhosa text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Yiddish |
Gets or sets Yiddish text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to
null to remove this alternative from the object.
 | Zulu |
Gets or sets Zulu text alternative. Returns null if this alternative is not present. Set to null
to remove this alternative from the object.