ImageGear .NET - Updated July 5, 2018
pageViewClientId Property

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > ImGearThumbnailList class : pageViewClientId Property
Gets or sets the id of the PageView control associated with this ImGearThumbnailList control.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_pageViewClientId() : String
function set_pageViewClientId(value : String)
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearThumbnailList.get_pageViewClientId();

This property is a string that contains the id of the PageView control that should display the image displayed in each of the thumbnails when selected.

It is common for applications of a ImGearThumbnailList control to display the selected thumbnail page element in a larger viewer and this property makes it easier for you to implement that kind of application. Simply set this property to the id of the ImGearPageView. This property will not be applicable in a multi selection mode. In the absence of a PageView on a web page, it should be set to 'undefined'.

See Also


ImGearThumbnailList class
ImGearThumbnailList Members