Gets the current value of an ISIS tag.
The JavaScript code below demonstrates how to get a scanner ISIS tag, where pageSizeSelect is an HTML select element:
function getTagCallback(tagID, tagType, choices, tagValue, status) {
if (status.get_status() !== ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisStatus.Completed) {
var pageSizeSelect = document.getElementById("pageSizeSelect");
// The page sizes are provided as strings. The choices argument contains properties for getting the list of strings, integers, or numerators and
// denominators or the minimum, maximum, and step values for a range of integers or numerators and denominators. The tagValue argument contains
// properties for getting the current string value, integer value, or numerator and denominator values. You can check the tagType argument to
// determine if the tag values are string, integer, or rational. You can check the choiceKind property of the choices argument to determine if
// the tag values are provided as a range or in a list. See the ASP .NET ISIS sample for more code that demonstrates accessing the getTag callback
// arguments for different tags.
var stringList = choices.get_stringList();
for (var i = 0; i < stringList.get_length(); i++) {
var tagString = stringList.getTagString(i);
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = tagString;
pageSizeSelect.add(option, null);
scannerSession.get_scanner().getTag(ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisTag.PageSize, 0, getTagCallback);