ImageGear .NET - Updated May 30, 2018
Licensing Error Codes and Troubleshooting
User Guide > Licensing and Distributing > Licensing Error Codes and Troubleshooting
This section provides information about the following:

Licensing Component Error Codes and Messages

The following are the Licensing Component error codes:

Error Constant

Error Description


No error.


General error.


No Internet connection.


Can't write license key to the registry. This can happen if a user doesn't have administrative privileges.


Auto mode only, it should happen when we receive several requests from the same IP address within a short period of time with the wrong access keys.


Manual mode only, it means that the utility had to verify the hardware ID and didn't match the one stored in the license.


Can't get the hardware ID of the client system. This should not happen unless something goes really wrong with the system.


Auto mode only, this happens when someone is trying to change hardware ID within 45 days after a previous hardware ID has been associated with the license.


No license key passed as a parameter.


License key passed as a parameter is invalid.


No access key passed as a parameter.


Access key passed as a parameter is invalid.


Invalid solution name.


Cannot find the configuration file.


Invalid configuration file.


Licensing Component is not initialized.


No license info passed as a parameter.


License info is invalid.


This license is not compatible with your deployment configuration.


Can't obtain license from the system.


The following are the default Licensing Component Wrapper error messages:

Error Constant

Error Description


"The product has been successfully licensed!"


"An unknown error has occurred during licensing. Please contact your vendor."


"No Internet connection is available. Please check your connection and retry."


"Unable to write the License Key to the registry. Please verify that you have administrative privileges."


"Licensing has been locked out after multiple requests. Verify that you have a valid Access Key, then contact your vendor."


"This license is not compatible with your system hardware, please contact your vendor."


"Unable to obtain the Hardware ID of your system. Please contact your vendor."


"Your Hardware ID has changed. Please contact your vendor."


"No Access Key was received. Please retry and enter an Access Key."


"The Access Key entered appears invalid. Please retry, then contact your vendor."


"No License Key was received during licensing. Please retry, then contact your vendor."


"The License Key received appears invalid. Please retry, then contact your vendor."


"The Solution Name is invalid. Please contact your vendor."


"Can't find configuration file. Please contact your vendor."


"An invalid configuration file was received. Please contact your vendor."


"Licensing Component is not initialized. Please contact your vendor."

ImageGear Licensing Error Codes

The following table describes general ImageGear licensing errors that can occur at runtime if the product is not licensed properly:

The following error descriptions are constant across all licensing errors.

Error Description


Failure to open registry value.

This error occurs if the license key cannot be obtained from the registry. Server licensing model only.

Invalid license key.

This error occurs if the license key passed to the ImageGear is invalid. All licensing models.

Version is not licensed.

This error occurs if the license key is valid, but does not license the current version of the product. All licensing models.

Your evaluation license has expired. Please run Accusoft License Manager if you would like to get a new license.

This error occurs if the evaluation license key has expired. Evaluation licensing only.

The product is not licensed for this machine.

This error occurs if the evaluation license key is not compatible with a hardware key for the current machine. Evaluation licensing only.

The hardware ID of this machine doesn't match license information. Please run Accusoft License Manager on this machine to add its hardware ID to your license.

This error occurs if the development license key is not compatible with a hardware key for the current machine. Development licensing only.

Solution name is required.

This error occurs if an empty solution name is passed as a parameter. All licensing models.

Invalid solution name.

This error occurs if the solution name from the license doesn't match the solution name passed as a parameter. All licensing models.

Invalid solution key.

This error occurs if the solution key from the license doesn't match the solution key passed as a parameter. All licensing models.

Invalid executable name.

This error occurs if the executable name from the license doesn't match the name of the application executable. Deployment licensing models locked to the executable only.

Please use OEM licensing API with this license.

This error occurs if the User/OEM license is being initialized via the registry. The User/OEM license has to be initialized by using the OEM API. User licensing model only.

Please do not use OEM licensing API with this license.

This error occurs if a non-User/OEM license is being initialized via the OEM API. Only the User/OEM license has to be initialized by using the OEM API. Server licensing model only.


This section reviews potential issues you may experience during the licensing process:

General Notes

Some general notes about licensing you should be aware of:

End User Has No Internet Connection

User License level licensing or manual licensing is required if applications are going to be deployed to end users who will never have an Internet connection. Please be advised that manual licensing requires interaction on your part when installing the application on the end-user system.

Internet Connection Is Temporarily Broken During Installation

In this case, the auto-licensing method will return an error, and the grace period will be activated. The grace period will allow your application to function normally during a limited period of time, and you will need to repeat the licensing process (either manual, or automatic after connection is restored).

Transferring ImageGear License onto a New Hardware System

Currently there is no way to move a license key from one machine to another. Once a license key is tied to a machine, you can remove it from the machine (using the Toolkit Licensing or manually deleting it from the registry), but that will not credit a license to your account. That said, if you run into an issue where you have licensed a machine by mistake, please contact, as they will work with you. We understand this is a current limitation of our licensing system, and don't want you to be adversely affected.

Also, typically a development license comes with three “keys”, so if you want to license an additional machine, you most likely can. Run and log in to the Toolkit Licensing and you can see the number of license keys remaining.

Reinstallation of ImageGear-Based Application onto the Same Hardware System

In this case, the license will be either found in the registry, or obtained from Deployment Licensing Service, regardless of when it was last requested.

The End User's Windows Registry Changed (Licensing Info Lost)

In general, if the registry is corrupted it might make sense to reinstall the application or even the entire system. But if the licensing info is the only data deleted from the registry, the licensing process that is executed as a part of the installation/registration can be repeated to retrieve a License Key from the Deployment Licensing Service.  

Unable to Obtain a License Using the License Manager

One possibility is that you have strict firewall settings that are preventing our Toolkit Licensing from connecting with, our licensing server. In order to connect with you'll have to make an exception in your firewall for our Toolkit Licensing so that it can connect to on port 80 for http and port 443 for https.

Trying to Run the SLU, I get a ”Component ‘COMDLG32.OCX’ or one of its dependencies not correctly registered” error

This error happens if a particular deployment machine doesn't have the COMDLG32.OCX file registered. To fix this:

  1. Install the comdlg32.ocx dependency, if not available on the target machine. If the comdlg32.ocx is not present on the system than it will need to be obtained from a system that has it (it should be available on your development machine in the directory mentioned in step 2).
  2. Place the file in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. (C:\Windows\SysWOW64 on a 64-bit machine).
  3. Register the DLL via the regsvr32.exe command.
  4. You should see a successful message and then be able to proceed with the licensing installation.

“80040154 Class Not Registered” Error when Using the License Development Kit on IIS

If you are receiving an "80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))." error while trying to use the LDK on a website created through IIS, it is likely because of a platform conflict (x32 vs x64). To fix it, try checking (or unchecking) "Enable 32-Bit Applications" for the App Pool associated with the website.