ImageGear .NET - Updated May 30, 2018
selectNextThumbnail Method

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > ImGearThumbnailList class : selectNextThumbnail Method
Selects the thumbnail next to the currently selected thumbnail.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function selectNextThumbnail() : (Any);
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearThumbnailList.selectNextThumbnail();

This method selects the thumbnail next to the one currently selected.

Note: When the selection mode is set to multi slection, and if there already is a multi selection currently in effect, then this method will select the next thumbnail to the next highest number in the selected list.

See Also


ImGearThumbnailList class
ImGearThumbnailList Members