ImageGear .NET - Updated May 30, 2018
pageCountStatus Property

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > ImGearDocument class : pageCountStatus Property
Gets the page count status for the pages contained in the document in the control.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_pageCountStatus() : ImGearPageCountStatus
function set_pageCountStatus(value : ImGearPageCountStatus)
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearDocument.get_pageCountStatus();

This property specifies the page count status for the pages belonging to the document. The status values are defined in the enumeration ImGearPageCountStatus.

A value of "UnRequested" for this property means a request for pageCount has been not been made yet. A value of "RequestPending" means, a request for pageCount has been sent to the server. A value of "Known" means a request for pageCount was made previously and the pageCount is available. When the value is first set to “Known” the pageCount is set to the value obtained from the server. At this point the document will fire the “propertyChanged” event for the “pageCount” property. A request for the pageCount will only be made when includeAllPages is set to "true". ”Failed” means the request failed.

See Also


ImGearDocument class
ImGearDocument Members