ImageGear .NET - Updated May 30, 2018
User Guide > How to Work with... > Image Processing and Cleanup > Process Images in the Frequency Domain > Convolution

This Convolve Method convolves an image with the given kernel matrix. The convolution is implemented using FFT, based on the Convolution Theorem, which provides improved performance for larger kernel matrix.

The result of the convolution is multiplied by a normalizer to scale the data. For kernels that sum to zero, the normalizer is usually set to 1.0.

Before using this method, like other frequency processing methods, ImGearFrequencyProcessing.InitializeFFTW Method() must be called first to enable the support for FFTW.

Can be applied only to 8, 16, or 32bit grayscale images with one channel.

ImGearFrequencyProcessingVerifier.CanApplyConvolve Method can be called to check whether the operation can be performed or not.