ImageGear .NET - Updated May 1, 2018
openPage Method

ImageGear.Web.UI Library > ImageGear.Web.UI Namespace > ThumbnailView class : openPage Method
Open a new image.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function openPage( 
   parameters : ThumbnailViewState
) : (Any);
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfThumbnailView.openPage(ThumbnailViewState);


An object whose properties are accepted as parameters of this function. Optionally, you may use a JavaScript object literal instead of constructing a new object.

This function causes the viewer to begin the process of opening a new image. That process will involve communicating with the server, raising various events, selecting a scaling value with which to display the image, and then updating the presentation of the viewer. During execution of this function, the viewer will raise the pageOpening event, then begin communicating with the server. In a few cases, the conversation with the server will complete before the openPage function returns, but usually, it will not. After this function returns, but before the communication with the server is complete, you can continue to interact with the previous image opened in the viewer. You must be careful in this case because the viewer will immediately discard the current image when the new image finishes opening. Once the conversation with the server is complete, the viewer will update the various image properties (such as documentIdentifier, etc.) and then raise the pageOpened event.

If you call this function and provide an empty string as the image identifier, this function will close the image instead of opening it (and it will raise the pageClosed event instead of pageOpening and pageOpened).

See Also


ThumbnailView class
ThumbnailView Members