ImageGear .NET - Updated May 1, 2018
ArtDataConnection Class Members

ImageGear24.Web.Services Assembly > ImageGear.Web.DataProviders Namespace : ArtDataConnection Class

The following tables list the members exposed by ArtDataConnection.

Public Methods
Public Method This releases the resources held by the connection, effectively closing the connection. Calling this method also closes all open ArtDocumentDataConnection objects that were opened by this one. It is essentially the same as the Dispose() method. In fact, this method does not need to be virtual; the base class can implement it as a call to Dispose().  
Public Method This releases the resources held by the connection, effectively closing the connection. Calling this method also closes all open ArtDocumentDataConnection objects that were opened by this one. It is essentially the same as the Close() method.  
Public Method This opens a connection to a specific DocumentIdentifier and returns a connection to that document. It will also add the ArtDocumentDataConnection object to the openDocuments set.  
Protected Methods
Protected Method Using this method, the derived class would know when to close its connection with the data source.  
See Also


ArtDataConnection Class
ImageGear.Web.DataProviders Namespace