ImageGear .NET - Updated March 30, 2018
Reordering Context Menu Items in Context Menu
User Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Viewing > Viewing Using ASP.NET > Displaying Images Using ASP.NET > Context Menu Customization > Reordering Context Menu Items in Context Menu

The following example demonstrates the ability to change the context menu of a MouseTool and MarkType pair and assign it to all available pairs.

For Ajax server users, please comment out the first portion of the code below and uncomment the second.

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// get PageView control with "pluginPageView" identifier from the HTML page in jQuery plugin
var pageView = $("#pluginPageView").ImGearPageViewPlugin();
// get PageView control with "pluginPageView" identifier from the HTML page for Ajax server
//var pageView = $.find("pluginPageView");
// get context menu for None mouse tool and no mark clicked conditions
var contextMenu = pageView.getDefaultContextMenu(null);
// get internal array for reodering
var itemArray = contextMenu.get_innerData();
// change the order of menu items in menu to opposite
var storeItem = itemArray[0];
itemArray[0] = itemArray[4];
itemArray[4] = storeItem;
storeItem = itemArray[1];
itemArray[1] = itemArray[3];
itemArray[3] = storeItem;
// set reorganized menu to control for all mouse tool and mark pairs
pageView.setContextMenu(contextMenu, null);
pageView.setContextMenu(contextMenu, ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Line);
pageView.setContextMenu(contextMenu, ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Polyline);
pageView.setContextMenu(contextMenu, ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Rectangle);
pageView.setContextMenu(contextMenu, ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Ellipse);
pageView.setContextMenu(contextMenu, ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Polygon);
pageView.setContextMenu(contextMenu, ImageGear.Web.UI.MarkType.Text);