ImageGear .NET - Updated March 30, 2018
ImGearIsisScanType Enumeration

ImageGear.Web.Isis Library > ImageGear.Web.Isis Namespace : ImGearIsisScanType Enumeration
Values for the scan type tag.
Automatic0 - Scan from the automatic document feeder if pages are detected, otherwise scan from the flatbed.
BackFront5 - Scan in duplex mode and return the back side of the page first from the feeder.
BackOnly6 - Scan only the back side of the page from the feeder.
Flatbed2 - Scan from the flatbed.
FrontBack4 - Scan in duplex mode from the feeder.
FrontOnly3 - Scan only the front side of the page from the feeder.
Transparency1 - Scan from the transparency unit.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


ImageGear.Web.Isis Namespace