Most use cases of ImageGear .NET are illustrated as either samples or demos and are placed in the Samples directory of the product.
ImageGear .NET has the following samples (organized by category):
Samples Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\ART\...
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
AddWatermarkToImage | WinForms | How to apply watermark to raster page. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
AddWatermarkToPDFPage |
WinForms |
Watermarking a PDF document by adding:
Images that support alpha channel transparency may be used. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
Samples Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\CAD\...
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
ConvertCADtoPDF | WinForms | How to open a CAD file and export it as a 2D or 3D PDF file. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
CreateCADEntity | WinForms | How to create a blank CAD file and add entities to it. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
Sample Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\Conversion\...
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
ConvertImage |
WinForms |
How to convert an image to a target format by setting compression, color space, bit-depth, and other saving options. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
Sample Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\Viewing\...
For convenience, we added identical sample projects created with different versions of Visual Studio.
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
ViewImagePropertiesAndMetadata |
WinForms |
How to view an image's metadata and properties such as dimensions, bit depth, color space, and resolution. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
Sample Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\Licensing\...
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
OEMLicensing | Console | How to apply an OEM license using the ImageGear .NET API. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
Sample Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\Office\...
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
ConvertOfficeToPDF |
WinForms |
How to load and convert a Microsoft Office file to PDF. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
Samples Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\OCR\...
For convenience, we added identical sample projects created with different versions of Visual Studio.
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
OCRandMRC | WinForms |
How to perform OCR on an image file and output the resulting text to either a PDF, an Image Over Text PDF using MRC, or a TXT file. |
C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
OCRUsingZones | WinForms |
How to perform OCR using zones and output the recognized text to a textbox. |
C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
OCRLanguageSelection | WinForms |
How to enable / disable languages before performing OCR and sending the resulting data to a text box. |
C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
Samples Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\PDF\...
For convenience, we added identical sample projects created with different versions of Visual Studio.
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
AddImageToPDF | WinForms | How to add images to a PDF document with varying locations and opacity. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
AddAndVerifyPDFSignatures | Console | How to add and verify digital signatures on a PDF document. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
ConvertDOCXtoPDF |
WinForms |
How to read a DOCX document page and save it as a PDF file. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
ConvertPDFtoSVG |
WinForms |
How to convert a PDF document to a SVG using Accusoft's API. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
CreatePDFForm | Console | How to create and populate form fields on a new PDF. | C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
ExtractFormFieldData | Console | How to extract form field data from PDF files. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
ExtractTextFromPDF |
WinForms |
How to extract the text content from a PDF document and save it as a text file. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
PDFMerge |
WinForms |
How to merge two PDF documents into a one PDF document. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
PDFSecurity |
WinForms |
How to manage PDF security three ways:
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
SaveCompressedPDF |
Console |
How to save a compressed PDF document. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
SavePDFtoImageGUI |
WinForms |
How to read a PDF document page by page, index, rasterize a page, and store the raster page as JPEG file. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
SplitPDFUsingMultipleThreads |
Console |
How to split PDFs using multiple threads. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
VerifyAndConvertToPDFA |
WinForms |
How to convert a PDF document into a PDFA standard and how to verify compliance with ISO-standard PDFA-1a. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
SavePDFtoMultiPageTIF.WPF |
Converting a PDF into a multi-page TIF using WPF controls. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
Sample Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\TWAIN\...
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
TWAINScanning | WinForms | How to scan a document with or without the TWAIN scanner's UI, view the document, then save as a PDF, TIFF, or JPG. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
Samples Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\Viewing\...
For convenience, we added identical sample projects created with different versions of Visual Studio.
Name |
This Sample Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
DisplayUsingWinForms |
WinForms |
How to display, navigate, zoom, rotate, and align documents in a GUI using WinForms. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
DisplayUsingWPF | WPF | How to display, navigate, zoom, rotate, and align documents in a GUI using WPF. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
ImageGear .NET has the following demos (organized by category):
Demos Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\ASP.NET\...
Name |
This Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
CSharp > HTML5Viewer | HTML5 Viewer | How to display and navigate documents. | C#, ASP.NET | VS2010 VS2015 |
CSharp > IsisScanningUsingASP.NET |
WebForms |
Scanning capabilities using ImageGear web components. |
VS2010 |
Demo Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\ART\...
Name |
This Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
AnnotateImageAndPDF_WPF | WPF | How to annotate images and PDF with ART marks. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
Demo Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\CAD\...
Name |
This Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
CADViewer |
WinForms |
How to view and manipulate a CAD file and export it to other supported formats. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
Demo Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\ImageProcessing\...
For convenience, we added identical demo projects created with different versions of Visual Studio.
Name |
This Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
ImageProcessingAndCleanup |
WinForms |
How to display and then manipulate an image in different ways. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |
Demo Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\MedicalAndDICOM\...
Name |
This Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
MedicalAndDICOM_WPF | WPF | A sample viewer for medical images and is intended for demonstration purposes ONLY. | C#, VB.NET | VS2015 VS2017 VS2019 |
Demo Location: $INSTALLDIR\Samples\Source Code\[CSharp|VBNET]\[VS2015|VS2017|VS2019]\PDF\...
For convenience, we added identical demo projects created with different versions of Visual Studio.
Name |
This Demonstrates... |
Languages |
IDEs |
EditFormFieldAppearances |
WinForms |
How to modify the visual appearance of fields and their annotations, such as, border color, style, and text color. |
C#, VB.NET |
VS2015 |