ImageGear .NET v24.14 - Updated
ImageGear.Web.DataProviders Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ImageGear24.Web.Services Assembly : ImageGear.Web.DataProviders Namespace
The ImageGear.Web.DataProviders namespace includes ImageDataProvider classes for images that are stored in files or in a SQL database, as well as a provider-based model that you can use to create custom image data providers.
ClassArtDataConnection is an abstract base class. All data providers will implement a derived class of this. The class can be used to read or write any number of streams. This class implements System.IDisposable interface.
ClassThis is an abstract base class that represents a connection to a specific document. All data providers would implement a derived class of this. This class implements IDisposable System.IDisposable.
ClassImageDataConnection is an abstract base class. All data providers will implement a derived class of this. The class can be used to read or write any number of streams. This class implements System.IDisposable interface.
ClassImageDataProvider is a base class derived from the System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase class ( System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase ). It provides a base implementation for the ImageGear image data provider for the PageView and ThumbnailView components. This is an abstract class.
ClassThis is an abstract base class that represents a connection to a specific document. All data providers would implement a derived class of this. This class implements IDisposable System.IDisposable.
ClassMarkupArtDataConnection is an abstract base class. All data providers will implement a derived class of this. The class can be used to read or write any number of streams. This class implements System.IDisposable interface.
ClassThis is an abstract base class that represents a connection to a specific document which supports the Markup Layer API, enabling multiple annotation or art documents to be associated with a single viewable document. All data providers which support the Markup Layer API would implement a derived class of this. This class implements IDisposable System.IDisposable.
ClassMarkup Middleware provides a simple mechanism by which requests for file operations involving Markup Layers can be intercepted and the data being stored and retrieved can be modified, or the request can be rejected altogether without requiring the Developer to write their own Data Provider from scratch. Middleware can be specified as a property of any Markup Data Provider via Web.config MarkupImageDataProvider. This class contains 4 virtual methods which can be overridden, each of which corresponds to a file operation involving Markup Layers. If a MarkupImageDataProvider is configured to use a derivation of this class, the respective method will be called after each read/list operation, or before each update/create operation. The default implementations of these methods do nothing. These methods will be called by the respective methods that perform I/O operations in MarkupFileImageDataProvider and MarkupSqlImageDataProvider. If implementing your own data provider, it is up to your implementation to repect any middleware specified in Web.config.
Class Internal API. This class derives from MarkupArtDataConnection and implements IEnlistmentNotification.
Class Internal API. This class derives from ImageDataconnection and implements IEnlistmentNotification.
ClassThis class derives from the ImageDataProvider. ImageDataProvider This class represents the MarkupFileImageDataProvider. It handles images and art files stored on the file system. Internal API.
Class Stores the keys used to read properties from Web.config for this ImageDataProvider
Class Stores Constants and Defaults
ClassMarkupImageDataConnection is an abstract base class. All data providers will implement a derived class of this. The class can be used to read or write any number of streams. This class implements System.IDisposable interface.
ClassImageDataProvider is a base class derived from the System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase class ( System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase ). It is an abstract class which forms the foundation of a mechanism by which image/document and annotation data can be requested by the client viewer given a Data Provider Name (optional, can use default data provider), a Document Identifier, and/or a Markup Layer Record ID. Any implementation of a Data Provider must create derivations of all 5 abstract data provider base classes.

The structure of a MarkupImageDataProvider is heirarchical such that a MarkupImageDataProvider derives from Microsoft's ProviderBase and is instantiated from settings specified in Web.confg. Through the OpenImageData() and OpenArtData() methods, the MarkupImageDataProvider opens a MarkupImageDataConnection or MarkupArtDataConnection. This is done so that the connection classes may store contextual information pertinent to that particular provider, ex. (and SQL Data Provider which requires a connection to an SQL database, or an FTP data provider, also requiring a connection). From the connection, a Document Data Connection is opened for a document with a particular identifier. The Document Data Connection classes contain methods that facilitate file operations. Both the Data Connection and Document Data Connection classes implement the IDisposable interface.

Class Contains keys used to read settings from Web.config.
ClassThis is an abstract base class that represents a connection to a specific document. All data providers would implement a derived class of this. This class implements IDisposable System.IDisposable.
Class This class derives from ArtDataconnection and implements IEnlistmentNotification. Internal API.
Class Internal API. This class derives from ImageDataconnection and implements IEnlistmentNotification.
ClassThis class embodies an implementation of an SQL Data Provider using the new Markup Layer Interface MarkupImageDataProvider, permitting multiple annotation or art documents to be associated with a viewable document. It retains and respects all of the configuration parameters of SqlImageDataProvider SqlImageDataProvider, and adds a few new parameters which permit it to store and retrieve documents and annotations from separate tables. Subject to user configuration, the intended schema is such that (DocumentIdentifier) is the primary key of a 2-column table (DocumentIdentifier, ImageData) used to store documents, and (DocumentIdentifier, MarkupLayerRecordID) is a composite key used to store annotations in a 4-column table (DocumentIdentifier, MarkupLayerRecordID, ArtData, MarkupLayerName) where DocumentIdentifier is a foreign key referencing the table used to store documents. An example schema is provided. table Documents ( DocumentID varchar(255) not null primary key, ImageData varbinary(max) not null ); table Annotations ( DocumentID varchar(255) not null, MarkupID varchar(255) not null, ArtData varbinary(MAX) not null, MarkupName varchar(255) null, primary key(DocumentID, MarkupID), foreign key(DocumentID) references Documents );
Class Stores the keys used to read properties from Web.config for this MarkupImageDataProvider
Class Stores Constants and Defaults
See Also


ImageGear24.Web.Services Assembly